About Us

Jim chilson-About
Site creator Jim Chilson looking for answers in Japan, 1988, when he was an English teacher & writer.
This site was created as a way to introduce new and old spiritual and religious thought to people easily and in one place. The world is changing and the information that is available now is astonishing. To me, we as humans have been able to reach unimaginable heights in all areas but one. That is the understanding of our place in life and the same questions we have asked since we were born. Who is God, why was I born, etc. It seems so many of us are no closer to the answers.

Godsyou tries to help people find the answers and grow in our spiritual experiences whether we are interested in religions or the new age practices – whatever it takes to move us closer to our creator if there is one, which I feel there is. But those who don’t agree are very welcome here also. This needs to be a space free from judgement, ego and pushing views on anyone. A mind-expanding, soul energizing experience encouraging free thought and ideas and opinions respectfully delivered.

As I was growing up I remember having a lot of questions about the religions of my parents, and it seemed none of the preachers could answer them and knew less than I did. I felt frustrated for years and gave up, but then as it happens, a message I believe from god appeared in a thrift store and it answered my questions and more and so my spiritual journey began.

That was Conversations with God. I was not alone with questions, and finally things made more sense. Now this site is meant to help others along their individual path with stories and books and items that hopefully can spark the fire in our minds when we catch glimpses of the answers we have always looked for. I think we are all at different places in the journey, but we are all one big energy and we want to help our brothers and sisters in this most noble, most profound journeys a human being can embark on.

This is the search for ourselves. I am somewhere on that path with you, and when we do eventually get to the end and realization comes, we may have the choice to join with the energy of our creator. Or there may be much more undreamed of galaxies far, far away waiting for us to experience, with god, our constant companion.

There is much more in this world than has been dreamed of in your philosophy, Shakespeare wrote. This website hopefully will help us all discover some of them.

Bon Voyage.

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