
The Teachings of Buddha – Buddhism
Buddhism is considered a religion by many but also as merely a philosophy by others – a set of ideas to help create an easier life that is established on three basic principles. The basic teachings of Buddha include:
The Four Noble Truths
Buddha’s teachings include the four noble truths, which talk about the existence of the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of one’s suffering, the truth of the end of one’s suffering, and the truth of the path that can lead to the end of that suffering.
The Four Noble Truths
The noble eightfold path consists of eight practices that Buddhists follow. This helps achieve emotional solidarity with one’s self and a striving for the best way to approach life.
These practices include:
- Right view
- Good Resolve
- Motivated Speech
- Right Conduct
- Livelihood good
- Motivational Effort
- Proper Mindfulness
- Fair Samadhi (Samadhi refers to the highest level of mental concentration that humans can achieve while it exists in a physical body).
The focus of Buddhism is on correcting the faulty ways we have of looking at life that lead to suffering and anxiety. It involves looking into one’s own self and fixing the things we can to make the issues of life flow more smoothly.
Buddha’s teachings help elevate a human’s mind to a level that is beyond measure. The teachings you learn, and the training you give to your mind are surprising as you still exist in the human body. but with the mental potential to see life clearly and without bias.
Training your brain to function in the best way is possible, but your mind needs to be at peace. The heart and mind need to work together to understand the realities of life and look at one’s suffering in a way that will help one achieve peace without distraction.
Is Buddhism the 4th largest religion:
The 4th largest religion in the world: Yes, Buddhism is normally considered to be the 4th largest religion in terms of the number of followers. According to various estimates, there are around 500 million to 1 billion Buddhists worldwide. However, it is important to note that there is some variability in these estimates, and the exact number of Buddhists can be difficult to determine due to factors such as different definitions of what constitutes a Buddhist, varying level of religious affiliation, and the fact that many individuals practice Buddhism alongside other religious or philosophical beliefs. Buddhism focuses on spiritual enlightenment, a state where you are free from suffering. But since we are looking deeply, do you know how Buddhism evolved? Who was the original Buddha?
A long time back, a prince was born who was shielded from the world by his parents, who wanted to hide the pain of this world from him. As he grew, Siddhartha noticed that outside the palace, there were poor people who suffered.
When he asked what this was, his servant replied, saying they are poor and had been suffering. Siddhartha felt such compassion for the suffering that made it his life’s mission to help those in need.
How Buddhism was born
While searching for the answers to end suffering, Siddhartha was meditating under the Bodhi tree, also known as the tree of awakening. Siddhartha began reflecting on how his life had been, which made him passionate about penetrating the truth. And it hit him. He had a breakthrough that showed him the reasons for suffering. No attachment to things that can be lost, no living in the past nor worrying about the future.
Live in the now were just two examples. Thus, he achieved enlightenment and is now whom we call Buddha. The idea here is acceptance. Staying in denial can only get you so far, so Buddhism’s practices can help you face the facts of life and suggest soothing methods to cope with it. Now World’s 4th largest religion is Buddhism.
Do Buddhists believe in a God? Hmmm, yes and no. Though one point of the story is that anyone can find enlightenment on their own, and many Buddhists do not turn to a God but look deep inside themselves for understanding. On the other hand, there are several deities throughout the old history of the teachings. I once asked a monk if there is a God, and he answered, “What does it matter?”
Buddha has said many things that have heavily influenced the lives of people who follow this path.
“We are what we think. All that we are arises from our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha