Don't have fear and do not judge out of ignorance. If we open our hearts, we all want peace and love. Major Religions of the world compared.
“Yes I am (Hindu), I am also a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and a Jew.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Is Jesus God? Yes. And so is Allah, Buddha, Krishna, your neighbor, and you too. Remember, God knows when a blade of grass moves. That is because He is that blade of grass. He is in everything seen and unseen. He manifested everything from energy. Why did He do it? Welcome to the Journey.
Religions are fundamentally the beliefs that say there is a higher power that created us. Every religion believes in energy or higher power that either is responsible for creating all that we see or has an active hand in helping guide what takes place in our world. For lack of another term, please allow me to use the word God, or SI, the supreme intelligence.
For me, the only proof I need is to examine my hand and I marvel at how it works so smoothly, then watch a spider build its web. Then just look around. Use your eyes, ears, nose, and that 6th sense. Something very smart made all this. Whether It then left the idiots in charge is another story.
What are God and Religions?
The most popular religious idea in the World: Love each other – God and Religions
We are loved and taught to love. Loving Him makes us fall in love with His creations, be it humans, animals, plants, or essentially any other thing. God’s Love is contagious and religions can show how. How beautiful is it that the one we love can make us love everything else? We are often taught to fear His wrath, but we miss out on His mercy – His love.
Every form of God in every religion talks about love or kindness. God has created us the way we are, so He knows our capabilities. We were born to be who we are. Or who we choose to become, or make us into.
Religion is immensely subjective because it is personal and ironic. The subjectivity of religion is what makes it impersonal. Because we consider it sacred, we forget its original meaning. Every religion and, more specifically, the world’s six major religions promote peace, solidarity, and co-existence concerning every other human being on this planet.
As it is sometimes easy to see the faults in others, we often see the differences and fail to see the similarities.
Types of religion:
The Six Major Religions of the World
Amongst the many religions in this world, the six major religions are as follows. Click on each to see more….
The 6 Main Religions in Brief

Islam Religion
Hindu Religion

Christianity Religion
Buddhism is one of the world’s largest religions, descended 2,500 years ago, and comes from India. They believe that human life is one of suffering, in a wheel of rebirth, and the souls are born again and again into different bodies regarding the things they have done in other lives. This is connected to the law of Karma, the good or bad actions that create the wheel of cycles in their lives.

Judaism is the world’s oldest monotheistic religion, dating back 4,000 years. Judaism people believe in one God who revealed himself through ancient prophets. Their God communicates to believers through prophets and rewards good deeds. Most Jews believe that their Messiah hasn’t yet come but will one day.