Is God Religious?

Who is God?

No, but religions want us to think God is.

Religions made God religious. Is God the being from the books? Is he what is portrayed in churches and temples and Mosques? Is He that loving God that has such a temper that we best cower in fear for even thinking the wrong thoughts? Is He the one who talked of love and flooded the world to start over? Or is there a different kind of God that really is of love and is consistant throughout? What if God is of love and proves it constantly? Jesus was consistant. But what about the rest of the book? And why were so many books left out? The original conspiracy theory – they are everywhere. Jesus never said he came to save us from a buring hell for eternity, and why would he leave that part out? Someone else sure left it in. 

I am not against religions. Religions can help us all have richer lives, but I am against the natural inclination of  religions trying to protect their authority by taking away our rights to find that God is in us and always was, that we are not born in sin but they want to keep us down, and that there is everlasting life as we keep coming back. And to not fear God as God is love. He created us to love life. We are responsible for everything in this world good and bad as He gave us free will to do as we wished. 

For some people, God exists. And for others, God does not! Those who don’t agree with God’s existence always ask that if there is a God, who is He? Why does He allow suffering? Am I going to hell? Why doesn’t He show himself? 

God is not only behind all creation in the universe, It is all the creations in the uiverse and the empty spaces between. God is the energy of the atoms spinning around so fast as to seem solid matter on this earthly plane and who knows what all in other planes – other dimensions. Nature wasn’t created by human beings or any living things on the planet, and if we didn’t do it then something else must have done it.

Was it your mom? Was it your dad? 

They are very capable people and as parents, they gave you all there is to give, but are they really able to even create something as basic as dirt? Even the President of the United States, with all the power he has, can not create a leaf from scratch. Let alone something as advanced as a worm. Therefore, there must be a supernatural power that created nature, humans and all living and unliving things on earth. Something can not come from nothing. 

You can ask church or temple people, and you will mostly hear what they have heard about God and sometimes their experiences regarding how faith in God has affected their lives. But we are not much closer to understanding who is God. But we can hear a lot about people’s perso9nal experiences. 

Should we believe in God?


There is a difference between the religious Gods and the real God. What if I suggested to you that maybe the Bible, as an example of a holy scripture might have been misintreperted, misleading, mischaracterized, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident? And what if the people who loved you most were right there as part of the scriptural conspiracy? They would never mislead you on purpose, right?

But what if the original church leaders wanted to use the Bible to control people with fear? Religion certainly is most effective in that. I was taught in history class that first the governments would send in the religious emisaries, and for those stuborn enough to resist they would send in the army to keep “peace.” Armies would use the power of religious belief for their benefit. I have a German soldier’s belt buckle from WWI or WWII with the words stamped, “Gott mit uns.”  God’s with us. Every army used God to push their causes and God was on every army’s side.

Some religions describe God as a personal being with emotions, but many of those personal characteristics are of the lower human emotions of jealousy, vanity and vengence. The Bible promotes love and slavery when it tells slaves they should not think ill of their masters even when the masters mistreat them. That does not sound like a loving God to me but more likely a slave owner and we can not gloss over the glaring contradictions for there are many no matter what the believers say. If God is love why so much judgement? 

And will we go to hell for questioning these inconsistancies? I would think only a jealous vain low level vibrational being could possibly throw a sincere searcher of truth into the pits of hell for asking such quetions. And the God I praise is not like that. The true God is of love and compassion. So I say please ask all your questions without fear. Fear is a tool of the devil, if there was such a thing, and that devil can be a misguided spirit pointing us away from the truth of universal love from a pulpit. Sometimes we just got to go with what sounds true inside. Trust that inner voice more and the gossip less when it comes to finding your own truth. 

With these inconsistancies it is not surprising that many are confused and frustrated and view God as an impersonal force or energy that does not care. Or they simply give up and do not believe in a God. And it really does not matter if one believes in a god or not. We are all going to the same place anyway.  Jesus never spoke of hell out of His mouth. He mentioned a place the Romans burned dead people in the old times. He also never said He came to save anyone from hell.  But many churches do and they try and convince us we were born in sin and will go there if we do not beleive in what they are selling. But the time to question is now. How could a newborn baby, the example of innocence, be born a sinful soul? It sounds like someone doesn’t want us to know how great we really are. That we are born inheriters of gods on earth walking in the flesh having an earthly experience.  

No one sees the wind nor air, but nobody can question the existence of wind nor air. All of us only can feel and experience it in many ways. We can feel and experience God in several ways whether we are believers of God or not. And that is the magic of life. Everytime we open our eyes in the morning we can chose to either be thankful for another day of life or to complain about it, and that choice can make all the difference in our lives and of all those we touch. 

Let us consider the old days when humans were trying to make sense of this existance and may have gotten some guidance from outside enities. Aliens from other universes or other dimensions. 

God’s form varies according to cultural, religious and the forms we are living as here on earth.

For Black people, God could be Black, for White it could be white. It is same for Hindus. It could have eight hands. For animals, God may be a giant buffalo with four horns. And for Asian people, God has brown eyes and black hair. Actually, He could choose to be any or all of these things. I mean, we are talking about an entirely different way of thinking. Too often, humans tend to put exaggerated human characteristics on God, but that is like putting human characteristics on a jellyfish. We have to think much differently.

So we might have imagines God to just be a larger version of ourselves. That doesn’t take a lot of imagination. And naturally with human characteristics. Human emotions. Human pettiness. Santa Clause with a quick temper. That is what we create. And that is man-made. The scriptures were inspired by God? Give me a break. My sister has been inspired every week to bet on the Lotto. Ask me how many times she has won. Maybe you can guess. I have felt inspired to take a nap after eating each evening. 

So let me share with you my theory. And it is based on readings and stories and my own intrepertations of the Bible as an often edited with parts deleted, held back or changed to fit a narrative from the powers that be. 

What if I told you you were created out of love by God, but this true God is not a person, though He can appear as a person and does in many forms. We are here to help Him experience who He is. God know what He is but could not experience what He is until He created the dual existance. The idea of opposites and we have the choice to be whatever we want to become. We are creating ourselves every moment. Every second. He could not know cold without knowing hot. Nor good without bad. So He created all of it and left it up to us to choose what kind of world we want to create. 

So do not blame God when people in far off lands are dying of hunger or thirst when we could decide to feed the world overnight if we wanted. But our systems would not allow that. The systems that we set up. 

God is not jealous, nor petty, does not hold a grudge. He is love. That universal love that does not require something in return. He loves his creations. Think of God as more of an energy source of love. And we can experience that feeling of love also if we really wanted to. If we didn’t have all kinds of blocks to it mainly revolving around fear. So instead of blaming God, let us start accepting some responsibility for that is the start of a change. 

So first, we have to stop comparing Him to us humans in how He/She/It thinks. He created us to be creating machines. We create with our thoughts first. And we are powerful if we know how to think. 

God is not limited by time or space as we are, nor is God constrained by anything else. He/She/It is in everything.

There are some aspects of God that are beyond our comprehension. But that does not mean we should stop trying. 

Our mainstream idea of God seems to be just an exaggerated version of ourselves as we are still not able to define ourselves, but the definition about our self is not always correct. No one can define who is God. We can just experience and be in awe over it. We can’t really understand it fully. Whatever knowledge we have about God is mostly culturally based and depending on what kind of culture you have, that is the type of God you have.  Have you heard the stories about people dying then coming back only to tell of the leader we know about – Christian, it is Jesus. And for others and atheists it is something else.  We can only experience this life God gave us, and that could be all there is – that we were given the chance to experience this gift of life God gave all of us.

What if we go beyond

God has been taught to most of us in the churches and temples and Mosques and from well-meaning people who have also learned it from religious organizations. But what if we dig deeper. What if we read other books, listen to other voices? What if we use science to explain God? Science has been used to try to explain our existence forever. The atom – the building block of everything we see, shows that everything we see is basically an illusion. An illusion of atoms and molecules spinning around so fast that it looks real to our senses here on earth.

But looking at science gives us more questions. Science does not tell us who God is, but only shows us how it was done. It also doesn’t explain why.

So let’s look at other books. And let’s use our compass to guide us. That inner sense of what is the truth. Let’s look at what some of the best known ancient and modern philosophers have said about God. Let us consider the books that were not included in the Bible and other books. Let us start searching for God. The time has come to stop listening and start thinking. A God of love is not going to fault us for that, though the powers that be could get pretty pissed when we think for ourselves. 

Some Quotes

Michael Beckwith, modern spiritual philosopher and motivational teacher, said God is not Superman in the sky. It is Beauty, intelligence and life. God is our life, and we are expressions of that life.

Neale Donald Walsh said God is in everything seen and unseen, there is nothing that exists that is not a part of God.

“Always, everywhere God is present, and always He seeks to discover Himself to each one.” – A.W. Tozer

“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass – grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls.” – Mother Teresa

“God has no religion.” Mahatma Gandhi

“Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near, and He is real. He is not only aware of us, but cares for us. God is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him.” Gordon B. Hinckley

Saddhguru says it is impossible to truly describe God. How can we possibly describe the Great Creator? We can only experience it and dissolve into it.

“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” Hans Urs von Balthasar

“God’s voice is usually nothing more than a whisper, and you have to listen very carefully to hear it. But other times, in those rarest of moments, the answer is obvious and rings as loud as a church bell.” Nicholas Sparks

Swami Mukundananda suggests if we want to know who is God that we ask Him directly. Why ask people who may or may not know? Ask directly to the source, and be prepared and open to receiving the reply in one or more unexpected places, such as from a friend or the radio or a magazine page or an ad, or from that soft tiny voice deep inside.


  1. It is very a pity to me, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that to you will help to find the correct decision. Do not despair.

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